So, I was doing a quick tour of the blog earlier just to get a feel of how it is looking right now and trying to visualise how I would go about adding a new category, one that would allow me to write and share short posts rather than long articles. As I scrolled down to the bottom of the homepage and was looking at the publish date of my very first post, it suddenly struck me that a year ago today this blog baby of mine was born. I did a double take. Aug 1, 2020. Gosh, where has the time gone? Well, I reckoned the quickest answer would be life happens, and time goes on. (Yet the pandemic is not over, sadly and mask wearing is still not a thing of the past).

I haven’t written in the blog as much as I initially thought I would. The irony? My mind is always overloaded with thoughts and my human memory card isn’t unlimited so to lessen the load off it, I do put pen to paper or fingers to keyboard quite often. But those bits and pieces of writing, written just for me privately, are utterly random and messy. When it comes to public blogging, it’s another story and I haven’t managed to do much for a variety of reasons. I’m not going to bore you with them but on a quick side note and in my defence, I do have a lot on my plate. Also, sometimes I feel drained of energy and get lazy (that's usually when my inner voices would start arguing: self-love vs. self-guilt tripping).
Having said that, I’m glad that I've managed to get here - the one year mark, and that you, my dear readers and listeners, are part of the journey. Whether you hop on and off or stay on the ride, thank you. It hasn’t been the smoothest ride and I haven’t always been on track, but it has been lovely nevertheless. So, let's see where it leads. V.
Podcast của bạn rất hữu ích với mình. Cảm ơn bạn đã rất tâm huyết, chỉnh chu khi sản xuất ra nhiều podcast học Tiếng Anh vừa gần gũi, thiết thực lại vừa thú vị như vậy. You make my day.
Gần đây em mới biết được podcast của chị trên Spotify, nội dung rất hấp dẫn, cả giọng Anh và Việt của chị đều hay quá trời, nghe đi nghe lại vẫn thấy hay :3
Chúc mừng năm mới chị nhé 🥰
Happy birthday to your blog!